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WWW Wednesday February 3, 2016

I missed last week because I was too sick to read much, but I’m back with WWW Wednesday, the reading meme hosted by samannelizabeth.


Three W’s:
What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

What I’m Reading:

Spark by Brigid Kemmerer

This book is the second in the elemental series (first book is under recently finished reading). So far I’m liking it. We’re following Gabriel’s story in this book and a shy nerdy girl at school named Layne.




What I recently read:

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Storm by Brigid Kemmerer

Don’t be fooled by the stupid cover; this book was awesome. The first half was a little hard to get through, lots of set-up and mysteries that didn’t need to be concealed, but at the halfway point, this book became fantastic. I tore through the end of it. Elemental magic, teenage drama, painful pasts, and sibling dynamics make up the bulk of this novel. If you’re in the mood for some angst and a sort-of love triangle, then this is a good book to pick up.


What I’ll probably read next:


The Siren by Kiera Cass

This book was originally published in 2009, but Kiera Cass completely rewrote it for the 2016 edition, which is the one I plan to read. The storyline for this sounded intriguing (and the new cover is gorgeous!), so I’m going to give it a try.




Feel free to comment if you’ve read any of these or want to read any of them!

19 thoughts on “WWW Wednesday February 3, 2016

    1. I’ve heard from a couple people that read both that the second version is better but the first version was still good. It’s definitely a complete rewrite with major plot changes but the same characters. Yeah, I might try to find the old version after I read it and compare. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  1. I’ve seen a lot of posts about ‘The Siren’ lately. Is it also part of a series? I think it’s great she did so much work on it for a rerelease. Happy reading and thanks for participating in WWW Wednesday!


    1. It’s a standalone book. Though maybe she’ll decide to write a sequel. Yeah, I’m really impressed with how much work went into the rerelease. 🙂


  2. Approaching 65 with a history of reading turgid books I thought I should have read. Recently discovered YA and delighted to find how much quality there is. Currently reading Rachael Ritchey’s Captive Hope and listening to audio book version of Throne of Glass by Sarah J Mass; after that not sure.


    1. There’s a lot of great YA books out there! Throne of Glass is amazing. I’ll be curious to know what you think of Captive Hope. I’ve never heard of it, but the description sounds interesting.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes I’m enjoying Throne of Glass, the narrator has really brought the characters alive, I’ve lined up the rest of the series on my Audio Wish list (lazy reader, avid listener)
        Captive Hope is preceded by Beauty Thief; these are the first two books of The Chronicles of The Twelve Realms. The essential theme is Good vs Evil (with Good having to face a number of challenges) The target audience is roughly in the early teen bracket so not quiet as ‘gritty’ as Throne of Glass. Having said that the narrative is tight, the heroes of the works have to struggle with any number of problems, which keeps the reader turning the pages and has an appeal which will cover all ages.
        As the series is set to run there are a few ‘unanswered’ questions for later volumes this promises a great deal.
        Rachael has self-published this, cover and YouTube promo too!. For more info check her WordPress blog. See what you think.
        Best wishes


  3. I have yet to start The Selection series… hopefully I will have to find time for it soon; there are just too many series I still want to read!

    Happy Wednesday! Here’s my WWW.


    1. I have mixed feelings about the Selection series. I really enjoyed it, but the main character made me so mad sometimes. Yeah, there are a lot of series on my TBR list too! Happy Wednesday!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’ve heard a lot of complaints about the main character! America right? I’m still going to try this series at some point…


  4. “Don’t be fooled by the stupid cover” – I’m happy you wrote this because my first thoughts were exactly that. Admittingly, it sounds very appealing. 🙂

    Do you like it when writers re-write their books? Did you read the original one?

    Happy Wednesday!


    1. At first I was put off by the cover too, but I decided to give it a chance and I’m so glad I did. 🙂
      I’ve never come across a writer rewriting their book for republishing before. I definitely admire their want to make it better and all the work that goes into a rewrite. I haven’t read the original, but I am curious to see how they compare.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yep. It seems to be doing a lot better with the rerelease. I’m pretty sure the popularity of The Selection series has a lot to do with that. But hey they made it work, and I started reading the book. So far I like it.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. I totally understand. That’s why I left the warning in there. I didn’t mind it so much in this one, surprisingly. But then again I’m okay with love triangles when they’re well done.


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